Saturday 25 June 2011

Ana's voice in my head

turned a corner

so this week had not been going well i wasn't  b/p but i wasn't 100% restricting either.
but it took a turn for the better Friday.I had stayed in bed the whole day as i was out of weed and i knew the only way to not binge was not to eat. So when i pick up my weed and have a beer(225 Cal's) wiv S.t Jimmy he tells me he has got hold of a small amount of whizz for me! id been asking for ages.i soo needed a lift!
 i go home  and eat some soup and weight watchers bread bring my total for that day to 625. respectable enough i think.
Of course today i bombed some whizz so Ive eaten nothing- Having a glass of milk now with my b4 bed smoke.
hopefully i sleep-i borrowed a couple  of my mates lorazipam tonight. Im bloody glad to have it tho as so much is coming up and i have no idea were to start.................................