Friday 15 July 2011

Calorie intake 10/7/11-15/7/11


Monday: 1300- Fat Pig!
Tuesday: 837- Not Bad
Wednesday 800- Not Bad
Thursday: 0 -!YAY! Perfect
Friday: 500- Good

wanna sleep

So today fri was a slower day. Didnt get to sllep till two tursday eve so felt rough when alam went. Took boy to school but didnt take my normal am whizz. Decided instead to get a samwhich (as no calintake the preavious day) and a latte and then got a few precious hours catch up sleep untill i picked the boy up.Then i did a bomb,had shower and met sleekit and the girls and took the kids to the park
She also had bought some of this new gear and agreed with me that it was pretty shit.St jimmy  maintains he has been high as a kite on it but i suspect this is because he has free acess and can take as much as he wants.I hope he does....sooner its gone the sooner we can get some decent shit! LOL
Taken more then i normally would today partly to see if Quantity has any effect on quality( Answer: not much) and also in the massive sort out i discovered that there is an urgent, complicated £ problem i hgave to sort and there is a dead line thats fast aproching so i thought id crack it tonight.i have done some but the whizz is so weak even tho i took some a few hours ago i want to sleep!....And eat-and i already had about 500 today!