Are you pro Ana?

i believe eating disorders are just that...disorders.They are not a diet or a lifestyle choice. However i believe that every one has a right to do whatever they want to their own body. i choose to do lots of things that are not good for my body- starving,cutting,taking drugs.These are my coping skills. I admit they are crap but right now they are all i have. i am not here to encourage eating disorders however i am very pro about my own.

What do u know about anorexia? you're fat!

i am currently at my highest weight except for when i was pregnant-165lbs
however when i was 19 i reached a low weight of 85lbs before i was put into i.p treatment.
recovery quickly turned to bulimia and my weight has yo-yoed between 95lbs-140lbs over the last 10 years.
i remember very well what it was like to be Ana  and i hope to experience it again soon

So what have you been diagnosed with?

diabetes miletes- age 2 1/2
anxiety and self harm aged 8
depression- aged 10-started medication
bulimia aged 12
bipolar aged 16-even tho this is an adult diagnosis.Later confirmed aged 18
anorexia- aged 19
ed nos aged 21
b.p.d aged 21

allot of yr friends have weird names, don't they?

Ive given each of my friends and family a nick name to preserve their privacy and mine.

OK, so who's, who?

St jimmy is my dealer and my mate and an ex.We met in a psych ward.
Glee is my close friend who has bulimia,bed and recently had a gastric band.We met in a group therapy
sleekit is my other close friend who recently gave birth to baby no 3.We also met in group.
i will add the others as i mention then

i have more of these to type out- if you have a question please post it and i will do my best to answer.