Wednesday 6 July 2011

I knew this would happen....for over a year I beg hubby to go back to work. He finally does and I can't hack it I don't know what's wrong with me!
I was doing so well and had lost 8+ but sinces Monday it's been get up take boy to school binge, purge, laydown, pick boy up binge, purge, nap binge sleep. Seriously it's all I've done for three days.
What's wrong with me? I wanted hubby to go back to work. I promised him and myself I would sort the house out, start cooking, do things wives are suppost to do instead of being a duvet that smokes and eats!
But the last 3 days I've had no rng at all and the thought of facing the days seems to much-so I start to binge.part of the problem is that there is not one thing in my life I like doing or find pleasurable.nothing