Saturday 9 July 2011

Feelin shit

I feel like shit and it's not just comedown. Am starting to detox as I've been fasting for the last 36 hours so my body's trying to deal wiv the normal toxins and whizz on top of it. No wonder I feel like shit!
Been throwing up acid and I know I'm dehydrated. I don't have any ketones yet tho.I have no idea what my blood suger is as I've lost my machine.I normally can tell pretty much my levels from how I feel but c/d and detox messing wiv my ability to read head is pounding but dare not take nurophen on already acid stomach.paracetomol does nothing for head aches.... Come to think of it neither do tramadol or oramorph. I think codeine the one thing that does and Its the one thing I ain't got!

I am supposed to do things today.doubt I can get out of them either so I'm gonna have to do more whizz.laying down for a last attempt at a nap. Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it

1 comment:

  1. How ever shit I feel I'm safe in the knolage my stomach is empty and clean and buy Sunday the rest of me will be too. It's so worth the uncomfort!
